
Sunday, February 14, 2016

weight loss 14 days - DAY 10


Yoghurt and fruit smoothie: Place a little crushed ice, 1 banana, 6 strawberries or 10 raspberries, 150 ml orange juice and 3 tablespoons plain yoghurt in a blender, smoothie maker or food processor and process until smooth.

2 oatcakes.

Split and toast a wholemeal English muffin. Spread pasta sauce over each cut side; scatter over 2 tablespoons grated Edam and thinly sliced red peppers, onions or mushrooms. Place under a hot grill until the cheese is bubbling. Plus a leafy salad with a little low fat dressing.

85g fresh fruit.

Brush each side of a small whole trout (gutted) with a little olive oil and grill for 8 - 10 minutes turning once halfway through cooking. For the dressing, mix together 1 crushed garlic clove, 1-tablespoon olive oil, a little lemon juice and 1-tablespoon fresh coriander (or other herb). Pour the dressing over the grilled fish. 3 tablespoons (115 g cooked weight) brown rice and 6 tablespoons (170g) cooked vegetables.

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